Frances Henry

Thesis Title
Love, Sex and the Noose: The Emotions of Sodomy in Eighteenth-Century England
Second Reader
Main Research Interests
My main interests include the History of Sexuality, the History of Emotions, Gender History, and concepts of Identity in Early Modern and Modern Britain.
“Making Love: Sentiment and Sexuality in Eighteenth-Century British Literature. By Paul Kelleher. Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press. 2015. 270 p. $90 (hb). ISBN: 978-1-61148-694-0” Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies.
Conference Papers
“The Quality of Mercy is (Definitely) Strained: Lieutenant Robert Jones and the Unchristian Mercy of George III” Law and Governance in Britain, Western University, 20-21 October 2017
“ ‘The best way to serve an Englishman’: Sodomy and Race on the H.M.S. Africaine, 1815.” McCaffrey Memorial Seminar Series, Western University, November 10 2016.
“From Buggery to Unnatural Crime: British Newspapers, Sodomy, and the Rise of Politeness”, McCaffrey Memorial Seminar Series, Western University, March 23 2016.
“ ‘Imported from Italy, … the mother and nurse of sodomy’: Xenophobia, Religion and Sodomy in 18th Century England” Paper presented at Prisms, Paradigms and Paradoxes, 4th Annual History Graduate Student Conference, Western University, May 1-2 2015
‘Of course, we knew she was a man: Princess Seraphina and the Drag culture of 18th Century London” Paper presented at Queer Research Day, Western University, April 16 2014.
“If one chaste love’: Asexuality and the life of Michelangelo Buonarotti”, Paper presented at Queer Research Day, Western University, April 17 2013.
“Hermaphrodites of the Soul: Discourse and Sodomy in Renaissance Italy.” Paper presented at the 2nd Annual Pierre Savard Conference, University of Ottawa, April 2006.
Archival Travel
May 2016 – conducted archival research at the Bodleian Library, British Library, British National Archives, Bristol Public Record Office, Cambridge University Library, London Metropolitan Archives, St. John’s College Library (Cambridge), and the University of London Library.