History Graduate Student Association (HGSA)
Welcome to the HGSA at Western!
The History Graduate Student Association plays a key role in the graduate community at Western. We act as a liaison between the Department of History and graduate organizations across campus. The HGSA plans social events, network opportunities, and assists professional development opportunities within the department. The HGSA holds bi-monthly meetings to discuss department concerns, plans, and ideas. Membership is free. All graduate students enrolled in the Department of History are considered members of the HGSA.
Our Constitution
Call for Papers!
Experiencing History
Graduate Student History Conference
5 April 2025
The History Graduate Student Association at Western University in London, Ontario, invites submissions for our in-person, 2025 interdisciplinary history graduate conference. The theme of this year’s conference is “Experiencing History.”
History is often the study of experiences: how people lives, what they thought, or how they reacted to events in their lifetimes. The practice of history is also an experience: how we connect to the past and interpret sources, or what we do to invoke history in our present lives.
Research methodologies
Modern history
Social history
Public history
Lived history
Successful applicants will also be invited to submit a poster to accompany their presentations. All submitted posters will be considered for Best Poster prize. Further information on this prize will be forthcoming.
Please direct any questions to hgsaconference@gmail.com
Select Committees and Groups
The HGSA holds elections each fall and spring. There are a number of committees affiliated with the HGSA that are open for members to join.
- HGSA Social Committee
- HGSA Conference Committee
- Society of Graduate Students (SOGS)
- Undergraduate History Society liaison
- Department Graduate Committee
- Department Appointments Committee
- Teaching Assistants' and Postdoctoral Associates' Union (PSAC 610)
McCaffrey Speakers Series
The McCaffrey seminars are a lecture series held once a month in the history department and offer graduate students the opportunity to share their research. Upper year graduate students are encouraged to apply in the summer before the school year begins in the fall. The HGSA elects a student in the spring term each year to organize the seminar series with the department.
Executive Positions - 2024-25
Chair: Liam Clifford
Secretary: Hazel Scott Pankratz
Treasurer: Alexander Fitch
Social Committee Chair: James Caldwell
Graduate Committee Representative: Rose Giles
Public History Representative: Taylor Northwood
EDI Committee Representative: Neisa Long
Advisory Committee Representative: Liam Clifford
Social Media Coordinator: Georgian Parkes
Undergraduate Liaison: Liam Clifford
PSAC Local 610 Departmental Stewards: Hazel Scott Pankratz
SOGS Councillors: Huanyi Li, Scott MacGregor
McCaffrey Series Coordinator: Sam Diavolitsis
Contact Information:
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email us at historygsa@uwo.ca
Follow us on Instagram @westernhgsa