Heather Ellis

Thesis Title
- Aftershocks: The Psychological Cost of the Great War
Second Reader
Main Research Interests
- My overarching research interests are gender, mental health and medical history. My current project examines how notions of care were used and conflicted in hospital environments, families and relationships between men and women. My research interests also include the role of trauma and the impact of violence in domestic and hospital spaces.
Conference Papers
“This is not a ‘Sob Story:’ Shell Shock, Pensions and Performance, 1914-1939,” Care after the First World War, University of Leeds, April 2018
“Obviously There is Something Wrong With this Story: War Neurotic Veterans and the Performance of Psychological Trauma” 27th Annual Canadian Military History Colloquium, Wilfrid Laurier University, May 2015
Archival Travel
LCMSDS – Veterans Affairs Canada First World War Pension Files, Waterloo, Ontario.