Sara Khorshid

Thesis Title

  • Good Guys, Good Girls, and Villains in Nasserist Cinema: Egyptians' Postcolonial Representations of the (Foreign) Other During the Cold War


Second Reader

Main Research Interests

  • Modern Middle Eastern history; Modern and 20th-century Egyptian history; Nasser-era Egypt; Egyptian Cinema/Popular Culture and History from Below; Egyptian Women’s, Gender, and Feminist Histories; Anticolonialism and Postcoloniality; Nasserism and Global Decolonization and Protest Movements; Decolonization and the Arab Cold War;  Arab-Western Encounters;  20th-Century US History;  Transnational Histories; Gender During the Cold War; The Cultural History of the Cold War; Postcolonial Popular Culture and History

Select Op-Eds

Book Chapter

  • "Egypt: How the revolution has impacted the debate over minority rights and multiculturalism." In Multiculturalism and Democracy and North Africa: Aftermath of the Arab Spring, edited by Moha Ennaji, 223-245. New York: Routledge, 2014.

Conference Papers

  • My Wife Is a General Director: Pop Culture and State Feminism in Nasser-Era Egypt,"paper presented at the 55th Annual Meeting of the Middle East Studies Association, Nov. 2021.

  • The Open DoorFilm and Women in Post-1952 Egypt: State Feminism, Postcolonialism, and Women’s Voices,” paper presented at the 54th Annual Meeting of the Middle East Studies Association, Oct. 2020.

  • "The Paradoxes of the Copts' Rights Question in Post-Revolution Egypt." Paper presented at the Mediterranean Programme: 14th Mediterranean Research Meeting
    (Workshop #12: Secularism and Minority Rights), Mersin, Turkey, March 2013.
