Past PhD Dissertations

Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository


Name Supervisor Title
Heather Ellis Jonathan Vance Aftershocks: The Psychological Cost of the Great War


Name Supervisor Title
Cristina Stoica Frank Schumacher The Perpetual 'Outsiders': Romanian Policies Targeting Roma between 1859-1945


Name Supervisor Title
Lu Wang James Flath Clever Minds and Nimble Hands? Making Embroidery in Late Qing and Republican China
Jonathan Bayer Nancy Rhoden "The Dignity of Being Called Americans": American Identity and Portrayals of Canadians in the American Press, 1754-1812
Guy St-Denis Jonathan Vance An Enduring Popularity: Sir Isaac Brock and Canada, 1812-2012
M. Blake Butler Alan MacEachern Canada's Evergreen Playground: A History of Snow in Vancouver
Bryan McClure Jonathan Vance 'Gave His Life for the Empire': Memory, Memorials, and Identity in the British Empire after the First World War


Name Supervisor Title
Erin Brown Laurel Shire  You Go To My Head: Women's Prescription Pill Use in Postwar America


Name Supervisor Title
Allen Priest Aldona Sendzikas

In The Shadow Of The Atomic Cloud: Masculinity, Modernity, And The ‘Bomb’ In The Electoral Politics of Canada and the United States, 1949-1963

Daniel Manulak Francine McKenzie A Light in the Window: Canada, Race, and South African Apartheid, 1958-1994
Nassisse Solomon Stephanie Bangarth Rooted in History: Representations of Ethiopian Identities in Canada


Name Supervisor Title
Maksym Sviezhentsev Marta Dyczok 'Phantom Limb': Russian Settler Colonialism in the Post-Soviet Crimea (1991-1997)
Michael O'Hagan Alan MacEachern Beyond the Barbed Wire: POW Labour Projects in Canada during the Second World War


Name Supervisor Title
Frances Henry Allyson May Love, Sex, and the Noose: The Emotions of Sodomy in 18th Century England
David Blocker Keith Fleming 'To Waffle to the Left:' The Waffle, the New Democratic Party, and Canada's New Left During the Long Sixties.
Nolan Brown Robert Wardhaugh Protecting the Individual: The Origins and Development of Saskatchewan Conservatism, 1905-1944
Jonathon Malek Stephanie Bangarth The Pearl of the Prairies: The History of the Winnipeg Filipino Community
Jordan Chase Jonathan Vance "For Weariness Cannot but Fill our Men after so long a Period of Hardship and Endurance:" War Weariness in the Canadian Corps in the First World War


Name Supervisor Title
Evan Habkirk Susan Hill  Charting Continuation: Understanding Post-Traditional Six Nations Militarism, 1814-1930
Elliot Worsfold Robert Wardhaugh Welcoming Strangers: Race, Religion, and Ethnicity in German Lutheran Ontario and Missouri, 1939-1970
Samantha Desroches Jonathan Vance Tanks and Tinsel: The American Celebration of Christmas During World War II
Graeme Phillips Robert Wardhaugh 'An Articulate Minority': Studies in the Ideas of Canadian Peace, 1945-1963
Jeremy Garrett Jonathan Vance Tribute to the Fallen: The Evolution of Canadian Battlefield Burials During the First World War
Megan Baxter Katherine McKenna Would You Sell Yourself For A Drink, Boy?: Masculinity and Fraternalism in the Ontario Temperance Movement, 1850-1914
Matthew McRae Jonathan Vance Remembering Rebellion, Remembering Resistance: Collective Memory, Identity, and the Veterans of 1869-70 and 1885


Name Supervisor Title
Ryan Flavelle Jonathan Vance Killing, Combat and the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry: Legendary Soldiers’ Stories of the First World War – 1914-1918
Cayley Bower Jonathan Vance Dying to be Modern: Cataraqui Cemetery, Romanticism, Consumerism, and the Extension of Modernity in Kingston, Ontario, 1780-1900
Magdalena Hentel Amy Bell Temporary Gentleman: The Masculinity of Lower-Middle-Class Temporary British Officers in the First World War
Gregg French Frank Schumacher The Foundations of Empire Building: Spain's Legacy and the American Imperial Identity, 1776-1921
Shezan Muhammedi Stephanie Bangarth 'Gifts From Amin': The Resettlement, Integration, and Identities of Ugandan Asian Refugees in Canada
Amanda Judge Brock Millman Neither Here Nor There: Northern Ireland, Myth, and the People in Between
Shawn McCarthy Brock Millman The Happy Secret: Alexandria of Denmark and Ireland, 1863-1925
Jeffery Temple Margaret McGlynn Life Angels Among Them: John Calvin and the Protestant Pastorate


Name Supervisor Title
Nicholas Virtue Robert Ventresca Royal Army, Fascist Empire: The Regio Esercito on Occupation Duty, 1936-1943
Arthur Gullachsen Brock Millman An Army of Never-Ending Strength: The Reinforcement of the Canadian Army 1944-1945
Marilla McCargar Katherine McKenna Feminity and Higher Education: Women at Ontario Universities, 1890-1920
Alex Souchen Jonathan Vance Peace Dividend: The War Assets Corporation and the Disposal of Canada's Munitions and Supplies, 1943-1948
Jonathan Scotland Robert Wardhaugh And the Men Returned: Canadian Veterans and the Aftermath of the Great War
Oliver Charbonneau Frank Schumacher Civilizational Imperatives: American Colonial Culture in the Islamic Philippines, 1899-1942
Peter Kikkert Francine McKenzie Grasping for the Ends of the Earth: Framing and Contesting Polar Sovereignty, 1900-1955


Name Supervisor Title
Hua Huang James Flath Cityscape, Urban Nobodies and War: Modern Transformation of Nianhua in Suzhou-Shanghai
Michelle Hutchinson Grondin Monda Halpern More Than Plumbing: The History of Sexual Education in Ontario, 1960-1979
Claire Halstead Jonathan Vance From Lion to Leaf: The Evacuation of British Children to Canada During the Second World War
Signa Daum Shanks Roger Hall Searching for Sakitawak: Place and People in Northern Saskatchewan's Ile-a-la-Crosse
Rachael Griffin Allyson May Detective Policing and the State in Nineteenth-century England: The Detective Department of the London Metropolitan Police, 1842-1878
Joshua Perell Monda Halpern The Public Advocacy of the American Jewish Committee, 1906-1929
Steve Marti Francine McKenzie Embattled Communities: Voluntary Action and Identity in Australia, Canada and New Zealand, 1914-1918
Douglas Adams Doug Leighton The War of the Worlds: The Militant Fundamentalism of Dr. Thomas Shields and the Paradox of Modernity
Anna Zuschlag Robert MacDougall Green Berets and Gay Deceivers: The New Left, The Vietnam Draft and American Masculinity
Magdalena Kubow Jonathan Vance 'Contemporary Reactions to War and the Holocaust with a Focus on the Role of the Polish-Language Press in North America from 1926-1945'
Timothy Compeau Nancy Rhoden Dishonoured Americans: Loyalist Manhood and the Political Death in Revolutionary America


Name Supervisor Title
Trista Grant-Waddell Jonathan Vance Soldiers First: Training for Peacekeeping in the Canadian Forces in the 20th Century
Daniel Heidt Robert Wardhaugh First Among Equals: Ontario Federalism, 1856-1900


Name Supervisor Title
Cynthia Brown Jonathan Vance The Legacy of Military Necessity in Italy: War and Memory in Cassino and Monte Sole
Robert H. C. S. Croskery Nancy Rhoden Religious Rebels: The Religious Views and Motivations of Confederate Generals in the American Civil War
Stephanie Potter Brock Millman "Smile and Carry On": Canadian Cavalry on the Western Front, 1914-18
Mihaela Sitariu Brock Millman British-Romanian Relations during the Cold War
Christopher Stuart Taylor Stephanie Bangarth Flying Fish in the Great White North: The 'Culture' of Black Barbadian Migration to 1967


Name Supervisor Title
Brandon Dimmel Jonathan Vance Outside Influences: Great War Experiences along the Canada-US Border


Name Supervisor Title
Marise Bachand Margaret M. R. Kellow A Season in Town: Plantation Women and the Urban South, 1790-1877
Adrian Ercole Ciani Robert Ventresca The Vatican, American Catholics, and the Struggle for Palestine, 1917-58: A Study of Cold War Roman Catholic Transnationalism
Dorotea Gucciardo Jonathan Vance The Powered Generation: Canadians, Electricity, and Everyday Life
Richard Gottfried Larsson Holt Jonathan Vance Filling the Ranks: Manpower in the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1914-18
Wei Xu James Flath From Marriage Revolution to Revolutionary Marriage: The Marriage Practices of the Chinese Communist Party in the Modern Era, 1910-50s


Name Supervisor Title
Sydney Liam Van Beek Jonathan Vance and Andrew Johnston "We Leave You Our Deaths, Give Them Their Meaning": Memory, Identity, and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial
Craig Greenham Roger Hall and Kevin Walmsley Outfields, Infields, and Battlefields: How the Great War Influenced Professional Baseball in Canada
Brian Clancy Andrew Johnston A Time for a Change: Clark Clifford and the Struggle to End the War in Vietnam, 1965-68
Shauna Devine Shelley McKellar Producing Knowledge: Civil War Bodies and the Development of Scientific Medicine in 19th-Century America
Kelly Mitchell Katherine McKenna Missing Persons: The Contested Legacy of First Wave Feminism, the Famous Five, and the Persons Case of 1929
Ryan Ernest O'Connor Alan MacEachern Toronto the Green: Pollution Probe and the Rise of the Canadian Environmental Movement
Jessica Van Horssen Alan MacEachern Asbestos, Quebec: The Town, the Mineral, and the Local-Global Balance between the Two


Name Supervisor Title
Marina Soroka Neville Thompson and Brock Millman The Last Imperial Ambassador in Britain: Russian Embassy under Count A.K. Benckendorff (1903-17)
Sean Jeffery McLaughlin Brock Millman and Frank Schumacher Ignoring 'Nosey Charlie': The Kennedy Administration's Response to the Gaullist Critique of American Policy in Vietnam, 1961-63
Dylan Adam Cyr Brock Millman Elemental Pursuits of Survival: The 1st Marine Division on Guadalcanal and New Britain
Jie Gao James Flath Saving the Nation Through Culture: The Folklore Movement in Republican China, 1918-49
Teresa Iacobelli Jonathan Vance No Example is Needed: Discipline and Authority in the Canadian Expeditionary Force during the First World War
Geoffrey Charles Stewart Andrew Johnston Revolution, Modernization and National- Building in Diem's Vietnam: Civic Action, 1955-63


Name Supervisor Title
Julia P. Berest Charles A. Ruud Alexander Kunitsyn (1783-1840): An Intellectual Biography of An Early Russian Liberal
Graham Gordon Broad Jonathan Vance A Small Price to Pay: Consumerism on the Canadian Home Front, 1939-45
Mark Humphries Jonathan Vance The Duty of the Nation: Public Health and the Spanish Influenza in Canada, 1918-19
Heather Moran Jonathan Vance Stretcher Bearers and Surgeons
James Andrew Ross J. J. Benjamin Forster Hockey Capital: Commerce, Culture, and the National Hockey League, 1917-67
Alice Taylor Margaret M. R. Kellow Selling Abolitionism: The Commercial, Material, and Social World of the Boston Antislavery Fair, 1834-58
Jelica Zdero Marta Dyczok Bosnian Cultural Identity, 1878-1914: The Serb Intellectuals


Name Supervisor Title
Michael F. Dove Ian K. Steele Hudson's Bay Company Shipping, 1668- 1774
Mark Eaton Francine McKenzie Nuclear Insecurities: Canadian Ideas and Images about Nuclear Weapons
Christopher Tait Roger Hall The Colonial Crown: Monarchy in British North American Politics and Culture, 1760-1867


Name Supervisor Title
Stephen M. Burgess-Whiting Jonathan Vance Lest We Remember: Canadians and the Spanish Civil War
Dean Ruffilli Jonathan Vance The Car in Canadian Culture, 1898- 1983
Daryl White J. J. Benjamin Forster Multinational Patriots: Business- Government Relations in the Canadian Aluminum and Nickel Industries, 1914-45


Name Supervisor Title
Forrest Pass Jonathan Vance Pacific Dominion : British Columbia And The Making Of Canadian Nationalism, 1858-1958
Amy Shaw Jonathan Vance These Strange, Ridiculous and Contradictory Creatures: Conscientious Objection in Canada during the First World War.
Andrew D. Smith Roger Hall British Businessmen and Canadian Confederation: Gentlemanly Capitalism at Work
Jeffery Vacante Jonathan Vance The Search for Manhood: Locating Masculine Identity in Early 20th-Century Québec


Name Supervisor Title
Michelle Hamilton Roger Hall Contested Histories: Museums, Collectors, and Iroquoian Peoples in Ontario, 1797-1910
Lynn Kennedy Margaret M. R. Kellow Partus Sequitur Ventrem: Meanings of Childbirth and Motherhood in the Antebellum South
Sara Morrison Ian K. Steele The Stuart Forests: From Venison Pie to Wooden Walls
David Norton Rebellious Younger Brother: Oneida Leadership and Diplomacy, 1750-1800


Name Supervisor Title
Alexander Campbell Ian K. Steele The Royal American Regiment, 1755-72: An Atlantic Community
Neil Kennedy Ian K. Steele Anglo-Bermudian Society in the English Atlantic World, 1612-1702
Richard James Walker Jonathan Vance The Political Management of Army Leadership: The Evolution of Canadian Civil-Army Relations, 1898-1945


Name Supervisor Title
Claire E Campbell Jonathan Vance Shaped by the West Wind: Nature and History in the Georgian Bay


Name Supervisor Title
Mark G. Spencer Roger Emerson The Reception of David Hume's Political Thought in 18th-Century America


Name Supervisor Title
Jennifer Read Gerald Killan Addressing "A Quiet Horror": The Evolution of Ontario Pollution Control Policy in the International Great Lakes, 1909-72


Name Supervisor Title
Linda Sabathy-Judd Fred Dreyer and Roger Hall The Diary of the Moravian Indian Mission of Fairfield, Upper Canada, 1792-1813
Thomas W. Irwin J. J. Benjamin Forster Government Funding of Agricultural Associations in Late Nineteenth Century Ontario


Name Supervisor Title
Michael Stevenson Peter Neary National Selective Service and the Mobilization of Human Resources in Canada during the Second World War
Michael Watson Ian K. Steele Appropriating Empire: The British North American Vice-Admiralty Judges, 1697-1775


Name Supervisor Title
Mark W. Bailey Jean Matthews Moral Philosophy and the Intellectual World of Justices: The United States Supreme Court, 1860-1910
Shaun R. Brown Jack Hyatt Reestablishment and Rehabilitation: Canadian Veteran Policy, 1933-46
Deborah Doxtator George Emery What Happened to the Iroquois Clans? A Study of Clans in Three Nineteenth Century Rotinonhsyonni Communities
Christopher MacLennan Donald Avery Toward the Charter: Canadians and the Demand for a National Bill of Rights, 1929-1960
Anne Skoczylas Roger Emerson Professor John Simson and the Growth of Enlightenment in the Church of Scotland
Jeffrey M. Suderman Roger Emerson Orthodoxy and Enlightenment: George Campbell (1719-1796) and the Aberdeen Enlightenment
Paul R Wilson Roger Hall Baptists and Business: Central Canadian Baptists and the Secularization of the Businessman at Toronto's Jarvis Street Baptist Church, 1848-1921


Name Supervisor Title
Michael F. Murphy Judd Purdy School and Society in London, Canada, 1826-1871: The Evolution of a System of Public Education
Donald Spanner Roger Hall "The Straight Furrow": The Life of George S. Henry, Ontario's Unknown Premier


Name Supervisor Title
Christopher Anstead George Emery Fraternalism in Victorian Ontario: Secret Societies and Cultural Hegemony
Geoffrey William Hayes Jack Hyatt The Development of the Canadian Army Officer Corps, 1939-1945
Catherine Sims Douglas Leighton Algonkian-British Relations in the Upper Great Lakes Region: Gathering to Give and to Receive Presents, 1815-1843


Name Supervisor Title
Timothy R. Cooke Fred Dreyer Richard Baxter, Puritan Churchman
Jonathan Scott Swainger David Flaherty Governing the Law: The Canadian Department of Justice in the Early Confederation Era


Name Supervisor Title
Nancy Bouchier George Emery "For the Love of the Game and the Honour of the Town": Organized Sport, Local Culture, and Middle Class Hegemony in Two Ontario Towns, 1838-1895


Name Supervisor Title
Keith Robson Fleming Peter Neary Ontario Hydro and Rural Electrification in Old Ontario, 1911-1958: Policies and Issues
Peter V. K. Krats Morris Zaslow The Sudbury Area to the Great Depression: Regional Development on the Northern Resource Frontier


Name Supervisor Title
Curtis Johnson Cole David Flaherty "A Learned and Honorable Body": The Professionalization of the Ontario Bar, 1867-1929
Marguerite Van Die Richard Allen [McMaster] Nathanael Burwash: A Study in Revivalism and Canadian Culture, 1839-1918


Name Supervisor Title
Charles Desmond Dutrizac Ian K. Steele Empire, Provinces, Frontier: Perspectives on the Pennsylvania-Maryland Boundary Dispute
Adrian St. Aubyn Fraser George Metcalf Peasants and Agricultural Labourers in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, 1899-1951
Henry Paetkau Donald Avery Separation or Integration? The Russian Mennonite Immigrant Community in Ontario, 1924-45
John R. Wedley Morris Zaslow Infrastructure and Resources: Governments and Their Promotion of Northern Development in British Columbia, 1945-1975


Name Supervisor Title
Raimi Adeleke Craig Simpson Martin Robison Delany and the Black Struggle for Freedom


Name Supervisor Title
Michael J. Nolan Donald Avery Alan Plaunt and Canadian Broadcasting


Name Supervisor Title
Barbara C. Murison Ian K. Steele William Blathwayt's Empire: Politics and Administration in England and the Atlantic Colonies, 1668-1710
Dianne C. Newell Morris Zaslow Technological Change in a New and Developing Country: A Study of Mining Technology in Canada West-Ontario, 1841- 1891


Name Supervisor Title
Melvin Baker Peter Neary The Government of St. John's newfoundland 1800-1921


Name Supervisor Title
Jane E. Lewis Neville Thompson The Politics of Motherhood: Child and Maternal Welfare in England, 1906-1939
Margaret S. Mattson Jack Ogelsby The Growth and Protection of Canadian Civil and Commercial Aviation, 1918-1930
Carl E. Swanson David Flaherty Predators and Prizes: Privateering in the British Colonies during the War of 1739-1748


Name Supervisor Title
Eric J. Jarvis Frederick Armstrong Mid-Victorian Toronto: Panic, Policy and Public Response, 1857-1873


Name Supervisor Title
Jaroslav Petryshyn Donald Kerr and Peter Neary A. E. Smith and the Canadian Labour Defense League


Name Supervisor Title
Ronald G. Haycock Jack Hyatt Sir Sam Hughes: His Public Career, 1892- 1916


Name Supervisor Title
Robert Joseph Burns Frederick Armstrong The First Elite of Toronto: An Examination of the Genesis, Consolidation and Duration of Power in an Emerging Colonial Society
J. Douglas Leighton Morris Zaslow The Development of Federal Indian Policy in Canada, 1840-1890
Joseph H. Tuck Donald Kerr Canadian Railways and the International Brotherhoods: Labour Organization in the Railway Running Trades in Canada, 1865- 1914


Name Supervisor Title
Donald H. Avery Donald Kerr Canadian Immigration Policy and the Alien Question, 1896-1919: The Anglo-Canadian Perspective
Herbert C. W. Goltz James Talman Tecumseh, the Prophet and the Rise of the Northwest Indian Confederation
Andrew R. McCormack Donald Kerr The Origins and Extent of Western Labour Radicalism: 1896-1919
William R. Morrison Morris Zaslow The Mounted Police on Canada's Northern Frontier, 1895-1940


Name Supervisor Title
Ian C. B. Pemberton Mason Wade and Donald Kerr Justus Sherwood, Vermont Loyalist, 1747- 1798
Richard J. Diubaldo Morris Zaslow The Canadian Career of Vilhjalmur Stefansson
Gerald W. Olsen Al Tucker Pub and Parish-The Beginnings of Temperance Reform in the Church of England, 1835-1875


Name Supervisor Title
William M. Baker Donald Kerr No Shillelagh: The Life, Journalism and Politics of Timothy Warren Anglin
William E. Eagan Morris Zaslow Joseph Burr Tyrrell, 1858-1957
Delphin A. Muise Donald Kerr Elections and Constituencies: Federal Politics in Nova Scotia, 1867-1878
Donald G. Simpson James Talman Negroes in Ontario from Early Times to 1870
John D. Wilson James Talman Foreign and Local Influences on Popular Education in Upper Canada, 1815-1844


Name Supervisor Title
William B. Hamilton Donald Kerr Education Politics, and Reform in Nova Scotia, 1800-1848
George RI MacPherson Donald Kerr The Search for the Commonwealth Co- operative Union of Canada, 1909-1939
Robert M. Stamp Donald Kerr The Campaign for Technical Education in Ontario, 1876-1914


Name Supervisor Title
David R. Farrell Mason Wade Detroit 1783-1796: The Last Stages of the British Fur Trade in the Old Northwest