OGS Application Information
Dear Applicants to Graduate Studies in Western History,
If you are applying to any of our History graduate programs, and you are a Canadian citizen, Permanent Resident, Indigenous Person (First Nations, Métis, Inuit) or Protected Person (as of the History OGS application deadline, February 1, 2024), you are eligible to ask to be considered for an Ontario Graduate Scholarship. Applications may not be submitted by applicants who submitted a Tri-Agency application through the Western application portal during the fall term, either for the CGS-D or a CGS-M.
What do you need, in addition to your Western History application?
-a minimum of 80% or equivalent in your previous course of study.
-a 2-3 page statement describing (a) your research ability and potential, and (b) your relevant experience and achievements, including demonstrated leadership ability and potential and extracurricular activities.
This statement must be uploaded to your application with the title "OGS Statement." (supplemental information - file attachment)
-Submit your complete application including your OGS Statement and ensure letters of reference are received by February 1, 2024 to receive full consideration for all awards and scholarships.
On OGS eligibility, click here. https://grad.uwo.ca/finances/external_funding/ogs.html
If you have any questions, please email Kara Brown, History Graduate Program Coordinator (kbrow@uwo.ca).